Narbutas International, UAB
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NARBUTAS is a Lithuanian-based company with a global outlook. We design and create furniture for the modern workspace, with the needs of the 21st-century employee in mind. We offer a variety of solutions and a dynamic approach to each individual customer. We are proud to call ourselves a company manufacturing modern, durable and functional furniture. The secret to our success is a motivated team and the right strategy. www.narbutas.lt
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Šiuo metu cv.lt portale įmonė tokios informacijos neteikia.
Finansinė informacija
, . Duomenų šaltinis: Sodra.
„Verslo žinių“ reitingai
Narbutas International, UAB pateko į kiekvienais metais sudaromus visos Lietuvos įmonių reitingus.