Mobile Worker, UAB
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Mobile Worker is a business creating software solutions for fieldworker services with a 23 year experience. We serve businesses mainly in construction, electrician industries and those that are project focused. Our solutions are used by over 10 000 users in Norway and other European countries. We are in tight partnership with Devinco AS, developer of market leading software solutions for electricians in Norway. Now we are starting new products to achieve new goals with a greater focus on integrated mobile solutions for fieldworker services businesses.
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Šiuo metu cv.lt portale įmonė tokios informacijos neteikia.
Finansinė informacija
, . Duomenų šaltinis: Sodra.
„Verslo žinių“ reitingai
Mobile Worker, UAB pateko į kiekvienais metais sudaromus visos Lietuvos įmonių reitingus.